Friday, August 23, 2013

Being real and being honest.


It's Ashley. Ashley from C4. Yes, from this website! I know. Hello! It's been so long. Too long. You barely even had time to get to know me before I disappeared. And why did I disappear, you ask? Well, let me be honest here for a little bit:

When Ellie and I first came up with the idea for C4 we had no idea what we were doing. There were just ideas! And dreams! And thoughts! And oh so many oh my gosh this is excitings! And so after many thinking sessions and weeding out what we didn't think would work, we launched C4 and we thought we had a pretty good head on our shoulders! But honestly, we still had no idea what we were doing. We thought we did! Oh did we ever. But after 3 short weeks we realized "uhhh, what is going on." What are we doing? What DO WE DO WITH THIS THING? It was a crash and burn time in our lives. I was extremely busy with my job and Ellie just couldn't carry this on by herself. So that led to a quiet (and quite sudden) end to C4 updates. We just couldn't do it. We wanted to! But we couldn't. We didn't even know what "it" was.

So here's the thing…C4 is not ending. No not at all! C4 will carry on until the day I die. I want this to be my life; we both do! But we realized we didn't know what "this" really looked like when we launched it. So we're stepping back. We've been stepping back for a while, hence the lack of updates or movement here. This is something we believe in fully, but we just need to go about things in a different way. So we're brainstorming, talking to people who KNOW things, big things.

But we're coming back soon. It might be small at first, but that's okay. Really, it is. We're climbing a staircase right now. We know what the top stair looks like, but we have to walk up the stairs to get there, not just magically jump to the top. And the stairs can be hard to climb. But we're climbing. One step a time. Sometimes walking back down the steps and starting over, but we're learning that's part of the process.

So join us in this climb. In this adventure. We need you guys. All of you. Every. Single. One. You're gonna start hearing from us more often. We're starting some things over. It's gonna be new and different, and yet the same. We're excited. And yet scared, nervous, little newborns facing a big world of "you can'ts" and "you're too young's". But if you keep hope alive, it will keep you alive.

All my love and respect and thankfulness to those already behind us,
